SFT Dongle v1.0.14
Link (Mega)
Este dongle es un dongle multiplataforma que puede realizar
una amplia variedad de operaciones
como eliminación de FRP, patrón de lectura, flash y mucho más.
Qué hay de nuevo
- Nueva tarea Qualcom
- Vivo FRP
- Oppo FRP
- Nuevo cargador [Qualqomm]
- Nuevo arranque [Qualqomm]
- Escribir / Leer Qualcomm (Fix Issue)
- Xiaomi Micloud (Fix Issue)
- Reinicio automático después del flash (problema de reparación)
- Diag Enable (Reparar problema)
- Error de Adb (problema de reparación)
- UFS Flash (problema de reparación)
SAMSUNG- Md5 Check Eroor (Fix Issue)
- Manual Partition (Fix Issue)
Added New Models
ALCATELMore Alcatel Models Added:
U5 3G (4057A, 4047D, 4047F, 4047G, 4047N, 4047X)
U5 LTE (5044A, 5044C, 5044D, 5044I, 5044K, 5044O, 5044S, 5044T, 5044Y)
ASUSMore Asus Models Added:
A002-ZS571KL, A007-ZB501KL, X007D-ZB552KL, X009D-ZB450KL, X00BD-ZB500KG, X00LD_3-ZB553KL, X00P-ZB555KL, X00PD-ZB555KL, X00PS-ZB555KL, X00QD-ZE620KL, X00RD-ZA550KL, X013D-ZB551KL, X017D-ZC600KL, Z00L-ZE550KL, Z00L-ZE600KL, Z00MD-ZE600KL, Z00T-ZE601KL, Z00UD-ZD550KL, Z00UD-ZD551KL, Z010D-ZC550KL, Z012D-ZE552KL, Z012D-ZE553KL, Z012DA-ZE552KL, Z012DB-ZE552KL, Z012DC-ZE552KL, Z012DS-ZE552KL, Z016-ZS570KL, Z017D-ZE520KL, Z017DA-ZE520KL, Z017DB-ZE520KL, Z01GD-ZS551KL, Z01KD-ZE554KL, Z01M-ZD552KL
HUAWEIMore Huawei Models Added:
ALE-L04, ATH-AL00, ATH-CL00, ATH-UL01, ATH-UL06, CAM-AL00, CHE1-CL20,
CHM-CL00, CRO-U00, DLI-AL10, DLI-L22, DLI-L42, DLI-TL20, FDR-A05L, JDN-AL00, JDN-L01, JDN-W09, KII-L03, KII-L05, KII-L21, KII-L22, KII-L23, KII-L33, KIW-AL10, KIW-CL00, KIW-L21, KIW-L22, KIW-L24, KIW-TL00, KIW-TL00H, KIW-UL00, MYA-L02, MYA-L03, MYA-L22, MYA-L23, PLE-701L, PLE-703L, SCL-L32, SCL-U23, T1-821L, T1-821W, T1-823L, T1-A21W, TIT-CL10, TIT-TL00, Y600-U151, Y625-U51, Y635-TL00
LENOVOMore Lenovo Models Added:
A395E, A560, A780E, A805E, A890E, A5600, A7020a40, A7020a48, K52e78, K52t38, K530T, S580, TB-7304F, TB-7304I, TB-7304X, TB-8704V, TB-X103F, TB-X704A, TB-X704N, TB-X704V, TB-X704Y, ZUK Z2P-Z2121, ZUK Z2X-Z2151
LGMore LG Models Added:
H930, H930DS, H930G, H932, H933, LS755, LS676, LS777, LS998, M257, M320G, M322, M700DSN, M700H, M700TV, M700Y, M703, MG600K, MG600L, MG600S, MK120K, MK120L, MK120S, MK121K, MK121L, MK121S, MP450, MV300K, MV300L, MV300S, MX320K, MX320L, MX320S, MX600K, MX600L, MX600S, MX800K, MX800L, TP450, US110, US998, V530, V533, VS995, VS996, X180, X190, X230, X240
MICROMAX and YUMore Micromax Models Added:
C1A, C2A Plus, B4A, B5, B5 Plus, B5 Pro, E4815, E4816, E4817, HS1, HS3, P680, P681, P701+, Q3551, Q398, Q402 Ultra, Q426+, Q442, Q452, Q465 Lite, Q480, Q4601, YU5530
MOTOROLAMore Motorola Models Added:
XT1792, XT1793, XT1794, XT1795, XT1797 (Moto G5S Montana)
XT1789-01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 (Moto Z2 Force Nash) XT1802, XT1803, XT1804, XT1805, XT1806 (Moto G5S Plus Sanders) with Sahara XT1900-1, XT1900-2, XT1900-4, XT1900-5, XT1900-6, XT1900-7 (Moto X4 Payton) XT1922 (Moto G6 Play Aljeter) XT1925 (Moto G6 Ali) XT1926 (Moto G6 Plus Evert) XT1929 (Moto Z3 Play Beckham)
NOKIAMore Nokia Models Added:
Nokia 1 (TA-1047, TA-1056, TA-1060, TA-1066, TA-1079)
Nokia 2 (TA-1007, TA-1011, TA-1023, TA-1029, TA-1035)
Nokia 6 2018 (TA-1016, TA-1054)
Nokia 7 (TA-1013, TA-1015, TA-1018, TA-1040. TA-1041)
Nokia 7 Plus (TA-1046, TA-1062)
Nokia 8 (TA-1004, TA-1012, TA-1052)
BLU More BLU Models Added:
A030L Advance4.0 L2, A050U Advance5.0 HD, A070U Advance5.5 HD, A110 Advance4.0, C0010LL CX5, C0010UU C5, C0010Q C5, D010L/U Dash X, D090L/U Dash M2, D110L/U Dash X2, D210L Diamond M, D251L Dash L2, D343L Dash3.5, D470U Dash5.5, D690U Studio5.5C, D710 Dash XL, D931 Dash L3, D970L Vivo IV, D980L Vivo Air, E0010UU Energy X, E0030UU Energy XL, E010Q Energy X, E030L/U Energy X Plus, E090 Energy Diamond Mini, E110 Energy M, E130 Energy Diamond, G0010 Grand X, G0030 Grand XL LTE, G010 Grand HD, G070 Grand M, G090 Grand X, G110 Grand Max, G150 Grand XL, G190 Grand Energy M2, J6010 Studio X Plus, L0070UU Life One X, L010Q Life X8, L0110EE/UU Life Max, L0150WW Life One X3, L050L/U Life XL, L170i Life Play 2, L280 Life 8, L290L Life 8 XL, N090L/U Neo X Plus, P0030UU Life Pure XR, P271L TouchBook M7, P290L TouchBook M7 Pro, R010P R2 3G, R0110 J2 LTE, R0150EE R2, R0170WW R2, R0190WW R2 Plus, R0051UU R1 Plus, S0250UU Studio G HD LTE, S0270UU Studio XL2, S0290UU Studio J5,
S030Q Studio G Plus, S0310UU Studio Max, S050Q Studio J1, S070Q Studio Selfie, S090Q Studio C HD, S110L Studio M HD, S170L Studio G HD, S210Q Studio G Mini, S230Q Studio Selfie 2, S450L/UL Star 4.5, S550Q Studio G2 HD, S590Q Studio J2, S610P Studio Mega, S710U Studio M5+, S750P Studio Pro, S790Q Studio View XL, S810 Studio View, T0010UU Tank Extreme Pro, V0070EE/UU Vivo XL2, V0090LL, V0110EE/UU Vivo 6, V0150LL/UU Vivo 8, V0160WW Vivo S, V0250WW Vivo XL3, V0290WW Vivo One Plus, V050/V051 Vivo 5 Mini
CHERRY More CHERRY Models Added:
Desire R7 Lite, Desire R7 Mini, Desire R7 Plus, Flare A1, Flare A3, Flare A5,
Flare Infinity, Flare
Gracias se ve buena la box yojala puedan subir la oss client en su nueva version
ResponderBorrarDe nada amigo y no solo la 7.7
Borrardont work usb deubg and ımeı repaır all
ResponderBorrarwhich part does not work friend
Borrarsaludos colega exelente aporte... una pregunta sera q tendra soportado paa mov cnta d blackberry ID saludos
ResponderBorrarGracias y los id salen con loader amigo en la red hay bastante
Borrarproblema al iniciar el modulo de huawei "no card-reader(s) found", hice todos los pasos. no poseeo antivirus. espero su respuestas gracias
ResponderBorrarwindows defender? y probaste con los dos loader
Borrarmuchas gracias, espero ´poder ayudar en algun aporte
ResponderBorrarDe nada amigo saludos
Borrarexelente aporte ,colega saludos desde grupo crack box.
ResponderBorrarGracias amigo saludos
Borrarninguno de los 2 loaders funcionan no abre el programa ni ejecutando como administrador
ResponderBorrarY desactivaste antivirus y windows defender
Borrardesactivados y sigue sin funcionar
Borrartienes 64bit?
ResponderBorrarimei repair department is not working i do not see usb when i connect the phone
But your phone if it works with another box?
BorrarHola buen dia, me sirve para quitar el FRP de un S9+ (G9650)
ResponderBorrarBuenas y no creo amigo
ResponderBorrarno phone does not see usb port even though all drivers are installed
But that same phone detects them with another crack and what win do you have?
Borrarhola bro el loader me dice contraseña incorrecta
ResponderBorrarBuenas y la contraseña es gcbv
Borrarlink caidos
ResponderBorrarrevisados y funcionando
ResponderBorraren la descripcion amigo
Borrarsirve para un j700m?
ResponderBorrarPara frp si
BorrarSon los mejores
ResponderBorrargracias amigo saludos
Borraramigo cual me recomendas para hacer unlock de moto g1
ResponderBorrarSigma amigo